
​Executive Communication

Being prepared to own your ​words means selecting those words deliberately 

​​Behind the great leaders of our time, unseen, are their writers. When the message is high-stakes, leaders want it to be heard and understood. When it is a difficult message, words are needed that penetrate emotion and unite focus. Words hold all the power of the ideas that drive them.

While the presidents of nations would not consider communicating without the support of their staff writers, corporate presidents do so regularly. Every day, business leaders deliver critical messages impacting their staff, stakeholders and operation. These messages are worthy of staff writers and are arguably more critical than other work that is always relegated to a specialist, but the power of language to influence is underestimated.

Our clients are business leaders and individuals who understand the two-sided complexion of communication and who invest in meeting the needs of their audience during key messages.  We partner with them in the writing of  speeches and announcements, in the crafting of difficult letters, and in safeguarding the confidence of their staff and clients by ensuring written communications that are professional and error-free.

Millstone Lexicon speechwriters also work with executives to augment the services of their in-house communications staff who may not have time to adequately focus on preparing public addresses.

To our clients, "owning their words" means standing behind them by taking ethical responsibility for the message. We stand behind our clients in the intentional selection of those words. At Millstone Lexicon, our client's ownership of their words is also contractual.  Our clients own all rights to our products.

Our relationship with every client is personal, and is protected by a non-disclosure agreement.

Policy Analysis and Policy Writing

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